The quadrangle at dusk two days later.  One window is lighted.  PHILLIPS enters carrying basin and cloth.  He is about to go into the Scholars’ chamber when FORDE’S voice is heard calling for help at a distance, getting nearer.  PHILLIPS puts basin and cloth on a bench and goes to investigate.  He returns with FORDE, who is limping and whose head is bleeding.


FORDE                      They left me for dead, the bastards!


PHILLIPS                  Who were they?


FORDE                      I don’t know, but they were hired.  Bastards!


PHILLIPS                  Where did they attack you?


FORDE                      Kingsgate.  My head, I’ll bleed to death…


PHILLIPS                  Don’t talk nonsense.  Sit down.


Lifts the basin and cloth while FORDE collapses groaning on the bench.  He eyes

PHILLIPS resentfully.


FORDE                      You don’t believe me.


PHILLIPS                  Does that matter?


FORDE                      You think I just got into a brawl.


PHILLIPS                  Keep your head still.


He cleans the wound.   FORDE makes a fuss.


                                    Don’t yell, man.


FORDE                      They were hired, I tell you.  Ow!  They didn’t even rob me.  Ouch!


PHILLIPS                  Keep still.  The smallest chorister would make less fuss.  Your head’s hardly broken.


FORDE                      My life’s in danger.  Ouch!


PHILLIPS                  We’re all mortal, Master Forde.


FORDE                      Lucky I sensed danger and put my gown over my head, otherwise…


PHILLIPS                  Ah, you fear death?  I thought perhaps your heresy made you immune.


FORDE                      Don’t mock me, you hypocrite!


PHILLIPS                  Keep still, man.  I’m nearly finished.


FORDE                      You’ve got to believe me.  It was deliberate.  They were waiting for me.


PHILLIPS                  And where had you been?


FORDE                      What’s that got to do with it?


PHILLIPS                  It’s the first question Warden White will ask if you tell him.


FORDE                      I’m not going to do that.


PHILLIPS                  Why not?


FORDE (sulky)           Because he already knows.


PHILLIPS                  What are you saying?  That the Warden hired those ruffians?


FORDE                      These are desperate times for his faith.


PHILLIPS                  Take care, Hostiarius.  That’s a very serious allegation.


FORDE                      He’s no other way of getting rid of me.


PHILLIPS                  So where were you tonight?  Let me guess.  The Plume of Feathers?  The Golden Rose?  I can see it in your face.  The Golden Rose.  Do you owe Jack Swaddon money?


FORDE                      I do not!


PHILLIPS                  Despite your perpetual complaints about your small salary?


FORDE                      I don’t owe money anywhere.  I tell you, once and for all, I was attacked and left for dead on account of my religion.


PHILLIPS                  Well, Master Forde, if that’s the case, rejoice.  Plenty have willingly gone to the stake in the same cause.  No doubt your own martyrdom will shortly be assured in a second attack.


FORDE                      But I don’t want to be…


PHILLIPS                  Martyred?  You should have tried hypocrisy.


Steps back.

                                    There.  Your head will mend.  For the present.


FORDE                      You do think they’ll try again?


PHILLIPS                  Very possibly.


FORDE                      Sweet Christ…


He stands up and looks about him for the first time.


                                    Why are there candles lit so late?


JOLYFF enters unseen by them and stands well back.


PHILLIPS                  Stephen Born is not expected to last the hour.  The Warden is with him now.


FORDE                      And Master Cole, I presume?


PHILLIPS                  You stay away.  At sixteen, Born could teach you how to die, but we can’t have his last moments disturbed by a heretic, can we?


Exit PHILLIPS with basin and cloth.  JOLYFF steps forward hesitantly.


JOLYFF                      Master Forde…


FORDE jumps in fright, then turns on him


FORDE                      You!  What have you been up to?


JOLYFF                      Nothing.  Master Forde, Born’s…


FORDE                      Who have you been talking to?


Grabs JOLYFF and shakes him


JOLYFF                      No one!


FORDE                      Then explain this!


Points to head wound.   JOLYFF stares at it.


                                    Someone knows I spoke to you!


JOLYFF                      I haven’t told anyone.


FORDE                       You’re lying!



                                    They nearly killed me!


JOLYFF                      Master Forde, Born is near death…


FORDE                      As I was tonight!


JOLYFF                      But Born will die.  What am I to do?


At this FORDE calms down and becomes sarcastic


FORDE                      So you haven’t spoken to him yet?


JOLYFF                      He’s so peaceful, I can’t…


FORDE                      He’ll not be peaceful soon.  Have you even read my books?


JOLYFF                      Yes.


FORDE                      And?


JOLYFF                      They have much sense in them.


FORDE                      Now you tell me, when it’s too late.


JOLYFF                      But isn’t there still time?


FORDE                      And now you want my advice, now you come running to me.


JOLYFF                      Master Forde, please…


FORDE                      Here’s my advice.  Do nothing.


JOLYFF                      Nothing?


FORDE                      It’s too dangerous now.


He points to his head wound.


JOLYFF                      But Born…


FORDE                      It’s too late.  Too late and too dangerous.


Eyeing FORDE dubiously, JOLYFF begins to edge away.


                                    Think I’ve gone mad, do you?  Stop!


Seizes JOLYFF before he can get away


JOLYFF                      Let me go!


FORDE                      Not until you give me a promise.


Shoves JOLYFF up against the wall.


                                    You’ll see nothing to anyone about our conversation the other night.


JOLYFF                      But…


FORDE                      Promise!


JOLYFF                      I promise.


FORDE                      You’d better keep it.


Releases JOLYFF then grabs him again.


                                    Another promise.  That when you see them perform their mummeries over Born, you’ll do nothing.


JOLYFF                      I promise I’ll do nothing.  Now let me go.


Released at last by FORDE, he is about to run away when GRYMSTON enters.


GRYMSTON             So this is why you left Born on his deathbed, Tom.


JOLYFF                      Is he…?


GRYMSTON             Not yet.  For all you care.


FORDE                      Be afflicted and mourn and weep.




JOLYFF                      But I do care.  I must get to Born.


GRYMSTON             Well, you can’t.  Scholars aren’t allowed near him any more.


JOLYFF                      But we’re his friends.


GRYMSTON             It doesn’t matter.  He has his soul to think of now.  That’s what Master Cole told us.


JOLYFF                      I don’t care.  I’m going in to him.


GRYMSTON             Don’t be foolish.  Tom…


Moves in front of JOLYFF, who has already taken a few paces.


                                    It won’t help him to die in peace if he knows you’re in trouble for disobeying Master Cole.


This pulls JOLYFF up short.


JOLYFF                      No, I don’t suppose it will.  I’m selfish, and I’ve left everything too late.  Oh, Morgan, I don’t know what to do.


GRYMSTON             What do you mean?


JOLYFF                      Can’t you guess?


GRYMSTON             You’re not still thinking about Master Forde’s books, when Born’s dying?


JOLYFF (anguish)     Yes, and what if they’re wrong in there, Master Cole and the Warden?  What if they’re sending him not to God, but to the Devil?


GRYMSTON             You’re possessed already!


Crosses himself


JOLYFF                      No!  Why can’t you understand?


Enter COLE from the Scholars’ chamber


COLE                         What’s all this noise out here?  Have you no respect for the dying?  On your knees!


GRYMSTON kneels but JOLYFF stands his ground


JOLYFF                      May I speak with Born one last time?


COLE                         You may not.  The last thing he needs is you disturbing him.


JOLYFF                      I’ll be very quiet.


COLE                         No.  You’ll pray for him out here.


Turns away


JOLYFF                      But I’ve got to see him.


COLE turns back


GRYMSTON             Tom, you idiot!


COLE                         Thomas Jolyff, when your friend is dead your stubbornness will be whipped out of you.  On your knees and pray.


JOLYFF                      No, I must speak to him…


Makes a run for it.  COLE catches him, but he struggles violently


                                    Let me talk to Born!  I’ve got to!


COLE                         Stop this!  Grymston, hold him!


Reluctantly, GRYSTON stands up.      PHILLIPS enters with another basin and cloth


PHILLIPS                  Jesu…


COLE                         Help me, will you?


Together PHILLIPS and COLE restrain JOLYFF who eventually goes limp

PHILLIPS lets go of him.  COLE does not.


                                    It’s a trick.  He’ll bolt.


PHILLIPS                  Hardly.  He’s exhausted.


But COLE grips JOLYFF even tighter


COLE                         You young savage.  You’ll suffer for this.


PHILLIPS                  Master Cole, he’s distressed because his friend’s dying.


COLE                         No, he’s always like this, always questioning and disputing, always…


Enter WHITE; sudden, expectant silence. 


WHITE                       Stephen Born has died in the faith of Christ.


COLE, GRYMSTON and PHILLIPS cross themselves.  GRYMSTON starts to cry. 

JOLYFF, still held by COLE, is rigid with shock.


                                    He has departed this life easily, like a ripe apple from a tree.


COLE                         He is with the saints in heaven.


He pauses, then turns his attention to JOLYFF


                                    And as for this boy, Warden…


GRYMSTON             Master?


Still tearful, but desperate, he kneels before WHITE


WHITE                       Yes?


COLE                         Grymston wishes to plead for his other, abandoned friend.


GRYMSTON             Master, Jolyff only wanted to say farewell to Born.  His mother died of the same cause.  It reminded him…


COLE                         Ha!  We all know what happened to his mother!


JOLYFF                      You’ve no right to say that!


WHITE                       Jolyff!


Turns back to GRYMSTON.


                                    My child, your devotion to your friend does you credit.  Jolyff shall not be punished.


COLE                         Warden, order among the Scholars must be maintained.  The boy was wild.


WHITE                       And arrangements must be made for the corpse.  See to it.


COLE                         Very well.


He exits, still indignant.  GRYMSTON moves towards JOLYFF, who turns away.


WHITE                       Jolyff, you may pray for your dead friend in Chapel tonight if you wish.


JOLYFF (dull)             Thank you, Master.


WHITE                       Come, Master Phillips.  We have much to do.


Exit WHITE and PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS glancing back at JOLYFF. GRYMSTON tries to speak to JOLYFF, who again ignores him. GRYMSTON exits, hurt. Slowly, fighting emotion, JOLYFF sinks to his knees and covers his face.

Blackout.  End of scene.

© Karen MacLeod 2002.